Photos from Scorpions vs Tigers

Mar 31st, 2014

Here’s a selection of photos from yesterday’s meeting, taken by official Scunthorpe track photographer, Alex Summerfield.  Please click on the images for a larger, clearer image.


Heat 1 Mellgren out front

Anders Mellgren out front in Heat 1


Heat 2 Sarj round outside

James Sarjeant goes around the outside to take the lead in Heat 2


Heat 3 Thomas takin glead

Thomas Jorgensen taking the lead on the second bend of Heat 3


Heat 5 Thomas chasing headless man

Thomas Jorgensen chasing the all-action Simon Stead in Heat 5


Heat 7 Josh leading

Josh Auty, after battling his way to the front in Heat 7


Heat 8 sarj and nielsen close

James Sarjeant and Simon Nilsen battle it out in Heat 8


 Heat 10 Mellgren and lanham

Anders Mellgren and Taylor Poole in Heat 10


Heat 12 andre clamping thomas

Andre Compton clamps Thomas Jorgensen to the inside in Heat 12


Heat 14 Ash wheelie away from line

From the start in Heat 14: Ashley Birks gets some drive


Heat 14 Sarj battling poole

James Sargaent battling with Taylor Poole in Heat 14, before his engine failure


Heat 15 ash leads back straight

Heat 15: Ash leads down the back straight


Heat 15 Ash and Stead battling

Heat 15: Ash and Simon Stead battle for the lead

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