Photos from Scorpions vs Witches

Jul 19th, 2015

ALEX SUMMERFIELD captures the action from Friday’s heated Scunthorpe vs Ipswich Premier League clash.

01. Josh leading first attempt at ht 1
Josh Auty leading Heat 1, before Danny King (white) fell on the second bend, causing a stoppage.

02. Alex and Josh leading ht 1 rerun
Heat 1 re-run: 5-1 to Alex Davies and Josh Auty

03. Ben and Nike filling minor places Ht2
Ben Wilson and Nike Lunna in second and third in Heat 2.  Race-leader Stefan Nielsen is out of shot.

04. Theo battling tungate ht3
Theo Pijper (red) and Rohan Tungate (yellow) battling for the lead in Heat 3.

05. Ryan and Nico battle Ht4
Nico Covatti making the outside line work, against Ryan Douglas, in Heat 4.

06. Josh leading after coming from behind in ht6
Josh leads in Heat 6, after battling from third to first, past Stefan Nielsen (yellow) and Nico Covatti (white).

07. Ryan leading the way early in ht 7
Ryan Douglas as the early leader of Heat 7.  Tungate eventually won the race.

08. Alex wins ht 8
Alex Davies leads Heat 8.

09. Theo passing morris in ht 9
Close battle in Heat 9 between Theo Pijper (red) and Ashley Morris (yellow).

10. Josh coming round to win ht 10
Josh Auty & Alex Davies take 5-1 ahead of Rohan Tungate in Heat 10, moments away from controversy.

11. Josh and Robs Protest
Josh Auty and Rob Godfrey make their point, before Heat 11.

12. Dave Peet trying to reslove the sit off
Fans join in with the brief sit-down protest.

13. Ryan Battles king in ht 11
Ryan Douglas ahead of Danny King in Heat 11

14. Ryan Leading king and covatti early in ht 13
Race of the night in Heat 13 – at this point, Ryan Douglas leads from Danny King & Nico Covatti.

15. Ryan and Nike heading king in ht 13
Later in Heat 13: Ryan & Nike lead Danny King at this particular point.  King eventually won the race, while Nike pipped Nico Covatti for third place.

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