BSPA Fans Forum
THE BSPA are delighted to announce they will host a special Fans Forum on Sunday, February 21 at the BENN Hall in Rugby.
Invitations have been extended to all promoters to attend the free event to take questions from supporters and discuss their views regarding the sport.
Promoters in attendance will hold a behind-closed-doors meeting with a group of riders in the morning to discuss their opinions before a Q&A with the public from 1pm onwards.
Although entrance to the event is free, there is a capacity of 300 people. Those wishing to attend should email to register their interest where they will be given a number to gain entry.
It is one of a string of steps taken by the new management committee, headed up by new Chairman Keith Chapman and Vice Chairman Rob Godfrey, to improve communication with supporters.
Godfrey believes the event will be a valuable way for them to listen to fans and also express the reasoning behind their decisions from the recent AGM.
“This is something that’s been driven by myself and Keith (Chapman), we both wanted to do this when we got elected,” Godfrey revealed
“We want the chance to explain a few things because not everyone understands the way things work and why we sometimes take the decisions we do.
“Hopefully we’ll have a panel of promoters, everyone will be invited, and we’ll be able to answer, truthfully, every single question that’s put to us.
“We wanted to give the supporters a better understanding and a better belief in the fact we are just a normal group of people who believe in our sport and want to do the best for it, just like the fans.
“The supporters are extremely passionate about the sport just as we are, and we just want to get them on the same page and answer their questions.
“We are going to meet with riders in the morning to see what we can learn with them as well with regards to the sport going forward.
“Hopefully a couple of them will stay behind as well to give a riders perspective when we meet with the public in the afternoon.
“Overall it should be a great event for people who are passionate about the sport to discuss our thoughts on the way forward.”
VENUE ADDRESS : The BENN Hall, Newbold Road, Rugby CV21 2LN
(BSPA Press Release)