Friday’s extra attraction – Blast From The Past
Do you remember the days when speedway riders wore black leathers, rode chrome-plated JAP-engined bikes and had names Tich, Sid and Bert? Have you ever looked at old speedway newsreels or thumbed through a dog-eared copy of a speedway magazine and wondered “what was it like in the old days?”
If you remember those days or just want to know what it was like before laydowns, green helmet colourskevlars, then come to see Blast From The Past when they ride at a speedway track near you.
Blast From The Past is a group of ex-professional and enthusiast speedway riders who go round the country demonstrating how speedway used to be in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Race formats can include individual, best pairs and 4 man-per-teammatches over 6 heats. Kitted-out in their black leathers and period race jackets from many famous old clubs, the Blast From The Past riders help bring back a golden era of racing.
The machines ridden are all powered by the famous J.A.P (J.A. Prestwich) speedway engine and housed in many different types of frame including Erskine, Excelsior and Rotrax. The J.A.P speedway engine wasat the company’s large factory in Tottenham North London, together with other engines for a wide range of uses from stationery engines to light aircraft. The J.A.P speedway engine dominated the sport for nearly forty years and was a true testament to British engineering.
The dedication to reliving this era is funded by the riders themselves, who maintain their machines, pay their own travelling expenses and take time off from work to do what they love best, which is riding vintage speedway.
The ridersyou will come to seewhenvisit your local track.look forward to meeting you, answeringquestions and sharing with you on track some of speedway’s history.For further information go to the Blast From The Past website at
Blast From The Past – bringing the spectacle, sound and smell of vintage speedway to life.
Friday’s riders:
Graham Tattersall – JAP in a Jawa Frame
Alec Gooch – Mattingley Jap
Bill Haynes – JAP in a Jawa Frame
Steve Cook – JAP in a Jawa Frame
On Friday, the Black From The Past riders will compete in three races in the second half, alongside the Scunthorpe Stags vs Milton Keynes Midland Development League match. Following the Scunthorpe vs Redcar PL meeting, it means an overall programme of 24 races on Friday night – don’t miss it!!