Photos from Scorpions vs Tigers
ALEX SUMMERFIELD captures the action from yesterday’s Scunthorpe vs Sheffield local derby.
New signing “The Silver Fox” Leigh Lanham
With the dirt flying, Theo Pijper leads Heat 1.
Later on in Heat 2, Alex and Nike hold a 5-1. However, Nike would develop electrical problems and drop to the back.
Heat 3: Andreas Lyager rounds David Bellego to take the lead.
Later on in Heat 3: Lyager holding off Bellego.
Heat 4 and race-leader Leigh Lanham’s leathers are so much cleaner than anyone else’s!
Heat 5: Carl Wilkinson leading the race, before it was stopped.
Heat 6: Theo Pijper studying Andre Compton’s dirty leathers! Some nice brollies in the background.
Heat 11: Leigh Lanham and Robin Aspegren in a battle.
Heat 12: Another battle! This time it’s between Paco Castagna (yellow) and Nike Lunna (blue).